Thursday, March 31, 2011


 As I struggle to make a slide show for my current LACHSA project come together, I am thinking of how gratifying it wil be to be able to have the technical skills necessary to infuse my work with the kind of visual elements other artists come by easily.

One of the pieces i will see in Copenhagen is described below.  i can't wait!

"Fleur Elise Noble’s 2 Dimen­sional Life of Her is a per­for­ma­tive screen work par excel­lence… An essay on cre­ativ­ity, con­trol, manip­u­la­tion and ways of see­ing, 2 Dimen­sional Life is witty, tech­ni­cally deft and engross­ing, offer­ing more dimen­sions than its big­ger fes­ti­val coun­ter­parts.

Keith Gal­lasch, Real Time

Win­ner of the 2010 Green­room Award for Video Design (The­atre — Alter­na­tive and Hybrid cat­e­gory), 2 Dimen­sional Life of Her is a visual per­for­mance made of draw­ing, ani­ma­tion, pup­petry, pro­jec­tion and paper.
Set in an artist’s stu­dio, a richly imag­ined par­al­lel world is awoken where every­thing that was thought to be still or flat becomes some­thing else. Her draw­ings repro­duce them­selves, drift between sur­faces and move in and out of three dimen­sions. She loses con­trol of her cre­ations and absolutely any­thing becomes possible…
Illu­sion­ary, cap­ti­vat­ing and cheeky, 2 Dimen­sional Life of Her won Best in Show in the Under the Radar pro­gram at the Bris­bane Fes­ti­val 2008. This show is 98% visual and runs for 40 min­utes and is suit­able for ages 4 and up.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I have now booked my conference package, my travel pass, 5 performances, a tour to Hamlet's castle, my hotel and airfare!  The whole trip seems very real and totally exciting.

As I follow the webpage, I can see that the conference is filling up and that more and more participants are signing up everyday.  I am interested to learn who they are, from which countries and from what backgrounds they come.  I can't wait to dialogue with theatre artists from all over the world!  Will investigate and report back

On the food front, just heard an American baker talk about Danish rye and the wide varieties of breads available in Denmark.  Will look forward to sampling those!

Monday, March 21, 2011


I tried to pay for my conference registration yesterday and kept receiving an error message.  Very frustrating, especially since I have to turn in my updated budget and timeline by Wednesday!

I emailed the conference registration team and they responded, saying there were some internal bugs in their system that should be fixed by now.  Will resume the effort tomorrow, along with looking into booking my flight which I hope will go more smoothly than the first attempt (SAS did not recognize the conference code and would not give me the discount --more on that when it is resolved)

Thursday, March 17, 2011


I cannot describe how excited I am to have received this fellowship!  Am in the process of registering for the ASSITEJ conference and am looking forward to spending a whirlwind 9 days in Denmark and Sweden seeing theatre, networking, meeting other theatre artists (and seeing Hamlet's castle).  There are so many exciting productions on the schedule.  My fellowship focus leads me to see an Australian interactive performance piece and several other productions featuring multimedia.  More about these soon.

And of course I can't lie---I am looking forward to eating some delicious Scandinavian food--especially the fish.

Need to book my hotel now.  More later.