Saturday, May 14, 2011


I am getting more and more excited about my upcoming trip the the ASSITEJ theatre festival.  I was feeling a bit daunted by the thought of landing in the Copenhagen airport and having to sort out the logistics.  Although I am a great independent traveler, I haven't been abroad for many years and never totally on my own.   Then received an email from the conference team with details about how there will be a manned conference station at the airport and we will be guided to the ground transportation.  Very relieved.  Coincidentally, just heard a feature about Danish customs on The Splendid Table.  The Danes are apparently VERY into being "cozy", attentive and nurturing to their guests.  I am looking forward to being taken into the Danish fold!

1 comment:

  1. I hope you enjoy your trip! I ahve been to the ASSITEJ/USA Festival, but never the International version. I am sure you will be inspired! Skol!
