Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Tuesday:  church bells (many), rain (some), very little sleep the night before, crazy directions to a small theatre, massive amounts of wandering around the town and getting lost (consequently LOTS of exercise) and a chance connection with 2 delightful theatre folks from LA (Debbie Devin & Jay McAdams from 24th St Theatre) that resulted in dinner at Mama Rosa (Italian/Mexican) restaurant after a not too terrific performance by a French-Canadian company, then a brisk walk home in near freezing weather and guess what?  SLEEP! It has never felt so good to be rested.

FOOD REPORT:  almost missed breakfast but did not really mind.  Cannot take one more bowl of cold cereal.  Where oh where is the hot oatmeal I love each morning?  Am going to search for a cafe that might serve breakfast. Had a cup of stamed milk (for which again I was not charged) at the Festival Center.  Lunch was a hunk of good bread crust, Greek, chickpea and green salad.  And lots of water.  Dinner was pizza (an "Al Capone", hold the ham and light on the cheese which was a joke because there was about a pound of cheese on the limp crust.)  The pizza was tasty but I couldn't really eat much of it.  When the young waiter came to clear our table he asked, "what was wrong with your pizza?"  "Too much cheese".  He replied, "but I told them to use less".  LESS is different in different languages!

FESTIVAL REPORT:  a really mediocre production of a play called "Starved" about teen angst; poor acting, poor direction, so-so visual effects save for one moment when the teen was ranting and chanting and the video images were of him disintegrating into pieces---that was powerful.  Debbie & Jay were sitting in front of me; we had reintroduced ourselves to each other before the show and afterwards I asked if they would mind if I joined them  for dinner.  (OK, I admit it, I have been feeling isolated and I jumped at the chance to sit and eat with like-minded, intelligent, creative and funny --we had lots of laughs-- colleagues.)  Dinner was fun and it was a welcome change to converse while eating.  And then Debbie said they were paying for me.  Too generous.  I owe them a pizza in LA and hope to see them again soon--if not at the Festival, then back home.

1 comment:

  1. I hope there are better shows to come! Please tell Jay and Debbie that CTG says hello. They are good friends and colleagues!
